
"I really enjoyed working with Leigh. She was warm and approachable and logical and professional at the same time. I appreciated that she was kind and empathetic and also challenged me too. Highly recommend Leigh if you're looking for someone to help provide a new perspective and help you become 'unstuck'!"
 N Parkar, Sep 2023





"Kuria Coaching was recommended to me by a friend at a critical stage in my life. I had been struggling for years with anxiety and stress, feeling incapable of being able to balance my personal and professional life and I felt I needed help if I didn't want to burn out. I felt comfortable in sharing and speaking with Leigh right from the off and she was able to guide our sessions and challenge my thoughts were required. Our sessions provided me with a framework for improvement and we set out action points at the end of each session to work on before our next. I am still working with Leigh but feel so much more positive and I would have no hesitation recommending Leigh and Kuria Coaching to anyone that is considering coaching as a way to improve their quality of life."

B Van Beuge, October 2023

"The sessions with Leigh really 
helped me to focus in on realistic, specific and manageable goals that would make a positive impact on my life. Leigh is an excellent listener who directed me to think from different perspectives, reflecting on thoughts and feelings shared. Leigh is very approachable and easy to talk to. Leigh was very focused on creating positive outcomes and the session definitely made a positive impact on my wellbeing."
R Neilly, Sep 2023


"As a busy mum of two balancing various business and freelance projects i was feeling that my work life balance needed attention. Leigh helped me unpack all my issues, in a safe space and then helped my think about how I would like my work life/balance to feel and helped me find my 'why'. Over the coming sessions I felt like I gained clarity and time to pause and reflect on my work/life and how I would like this to look. I came away from the sessions with solutions and ideas on how to balance my time, say yes to projects that serve me well, rather than saying yes to everything. I feel much more focused and productive with my time now and most importantly I'm creating boundaries to keep my free time, free time. Would highly recommend Leigh if you are feeling a little 'stuck'. Thank you!"

S Gibbons, October 2023

"Before working with Leigh, I struggled with my personal direction after a significant period of change in my life and the pressures i constantly put myself under to make changes and/or to growth. Leigh's guidance helped me truly understand "how much is enough" and helped me recognise my intrinsic value. Most importantly, I've learned to embrace my journey without rushing, finding peace in slow, organic evolution. I can't recommend Leigh enough for anyone seeking clarity and self-awareness."
N Copley, Sep 2023

"Better time management and motivation - having found and prioritised my 'why'.

I thought Leigh was terrific. Assisted greatly in helping me realise what had to be done and how to do it. I'd thoroughly recommend her services."

N Scullion, October 2023

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